What is the difference between CommonJS and ES6 Modules?

February 26, 2022

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While working with Gatsby 4 today, I noticed that the syntax for importing code from external libraries differed between the files gatsby-node.js and gatsby-browser.js. In the -node.js file, it imported code using require(), while in the -browser.js file it imported code using the keywords import and from. Why is that?

What is a module?

First we must ask ourselves, what is a module? A module is simply isolated code that can be exported from one file and imported to another. As modern web applications evolved and grew in size, the need for modules became essential in order to split our code out, share, consume, and reuse code in an easy-manner, and avoid possible naming collisions.

CommonJS vs. ES6 Modules

It may at first not be abundantly clear that these two javascript files are actually running in different environments— one is on the server, and the other is in the web browser. The syntactical sugar for exporting code and importing code from one file to another differs depending on where your code is running. On the server, Node supports modules by using CommonJS and does not currently support ES6 module syntax, without using something like Babel to transpile your code. On the browser, however, ES6 modules are on the table!


const path = require(`path`)
const { createFilePath } = require(`gatsby-source-filesystem`)

exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions, reporter }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions
  // ...


import { onRouteUpdate } from "./gatsby-browser"

onRouteUpdate = ({ location, prevLocation }) => {
  console.log("new pathname", location.pathname)
  console.log("old pathname", prevLocation ? prevLocation.pathname : null)

Can you mix the two?

In some instances, you can (like Gatsby version 1), however, it is not recommended. In fact, in Gatsby 4 you’ll get errors:

// ES6
import "./src/style.css"

// CommonJS
const React = require("react")
const Layout = require("./src/components/layout")
exports.onRouteUpdate = ({ location, prevLocation }) => {
  console.log("new pathname", location.pathname)
  console.log("old pathname", prevLocation ? prevLocation.pathname : null)


commonjs and es6 together

Check out this awesome explanation of CommonJS and ES6 Modules:

Still confusing? This video I found by Monster Lessons breaks it down really well.

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Full stack developer and consultant with over seven years of experience building websites and applications for clients. Occasionally, I like to write about the things I'm learning and thinking about here at my blog.

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